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Folding roses from a napkin takes just a few minutes

Folding roses from a napkin takes just a few minutes

With just a napkin and a pair of tweezers, you can make beautiful roses like the one pictured above. It’s really like magic! If you happen to have tweezers on hand, follow along and learn right away, guaranteed. It can be successful, whether it looks good or not is another matter (^o^)/~

Folding roses from a napkin takes just a few minutes

Prepare a napkin and lay it flat on the table.

Folding roses from a napkin takes just a few minutes

Grasp the middle section with tweezers.

Folding roses from a napkin takes just a few minutes

Start rolling it up, don’t be too rough!

Folding roses from a napkin takes just a few minutes

During this process, the other hand definitely needs help. Don’t do it with one hand like in the picture!~

Folding roses from a napkin takes just a few minutes

The rose is finished, this is the side view.

Folding roses from a napkin takes just a few minutes

Overhead view. After reading this, do you feel particularly unwelcome to the Kawasaki Rose, which requires a lot of effort?