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A bento made by a Japanese uncle, the editor was already killed when he saw this

A bento made by a Japanese uncle. The editor saw that this one was killed in action by a 43-year-old Japanese uncle Watao. He has two children. In addition to working, he likes to make bento for his children. Different from the cute style of housewives and mothers, his bento always follows two words: solid and meaty.

A bento made by a Japanese uncle, the editor was already killed when he saw this

A bento made by a Japanese uncle, the editor was already killed when he saw this

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A bento made by a Japanese uncle, the editor was already killed when he saw this

< img data-action="zoom" alt=" A bento made by a Japanese uncle, the editor saw this and was killed in battle" src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/6bdbf8224501c2bdd7fe27ea6c609f57.jpg" >

A bento made by a Japanese uncle, the editor was already killed when he saw this

A bento made by a Japanese uncle, the editor was already killed when he saw this

A bento made by a Japanese uncle, the editor was already killed when he saw this

A bento made by a Japanese uncle, the editor was already killed when he saw this