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The artist creates a miniature new world using small objects in daily life. Every scene is full of i

The artist uses small objects in daily life to create a miniature new world. Every scene is full of ideas. The artist uses small objects in daily life to create a miniature new world. Every scene is full of ideas. The world is so small, but the mind is so big. ! Love this idea!

The artist creates a miniature new world using small objects in daily life. Every scene is full of ideas~

< img data-action="zoom" alt=" A miniature new world created by artists using small objects in life. Every scene is full of ideas~ " src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/ fujian/ed8a7a85afaf07e45a1b3f49bb31ea88.jpg">

The artist creates a miniature new world using small objects in daily life. Every scene is full of ideas~

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The artist creates a miniature new world using small objects in daily life. Every scene is full of ideas~

The artist creates a miniature new world using small objects in daily life. Every scene is full of ideas~

The artist creates a miniature new world using small objects in daily life. Every scene is full of ideas~

The artist creates a miniature new world using small objects in daily life. Every scene is full of ideas~

The artist creates a miniature new world using small objects in daily life. Every scene is full of ideas~

The artist creates a miniature new world using small objects in daily life. Every scene is full of ideas~