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My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

South Korean artist Lee Sol received a degree in interior design and decided to take another path after graduation.
VENUS MANSION is Sol’s first project on Instagram, where he created hyper-realistic 3D scenes with ancient times by using a 3D graphics programSculpture, random objects and architectural elements are combined. Author Lee Sol once said in an interview: "To be honest, I did not set out to convey a single message through Venus Mansion. It is just a way for me to express myself. I also hope that viewers can form their own opinions in their hearts, and Have a positive impact on creative activities."

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

< img data-action="zoom" alt="My dreams are colorful" src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/d7863400e5e2fda214f095f91f35fbf4.jpeg">

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

My dreams are colorful

Life and health:My dreams are colorful