Halloween always involves some spooky elements, such as this gorgeous haunted house, which can be stunning! My homemade paper clay recipe is used here, which is cheap to make and can be stored permanently. It can be used on various surfaces to create a stunning feel. Come and try it if you are interested!
Paper clay recipe:
-6 rolls of double-ply unscented toilet paper,
-6 cups (1.5kg) wood glue/PVA glue,
-1 cup of combined compound.
1. Soak one roll of toilet paper at a time in warm water in a smaller bucket. The toilet paper tube comes out easily and the toilet paper turns into pulp. Break up the pulp with your fingers and pour it into a plastic strainer. Squeeze out as much water as possible and place the pulp into a large bucket. Do this for each roll of toilet paper.
2. Add wood glue and joint compound.
3. Mix carefully first so that the combined compound does not become airborne. Mix thoroughly until it becomes paper clay.
*If the paper clay is too wet, add more paper mache. It would definitely be better and easier if you had the option of buying pure dry pulp!
This clay keeps well in a bucket with a lid, I am currently using the clay I made last year.
Making the basic framework requires:
-Waste paper box,
- Scissors,
- Hot glue/hot glue gun,
- Tape/Tape,
- Glue,
- Yellow transparent paper for windows,
- Wood and wood decoration,
- Wax,
Also required:
-Artificial turf,
-Fence pegs,
- Scissors,
- Hot glue/hot glue gun,
-Oil paint brush.
All you need to do is cut and glue the boxes together into a similar shape to what you want. It doesn't need to look pretty or neat.
I started by using an empty box to hold a tube to support the house. You can also roll the printer paper tightly into the tube and glue it together.
Reinforce windows with tape and cover any large gaps.
If you plan on putting in lights, do all your wiring before claying. If you plan to put in a battery-powered light, you'll need to install a slot for it. This clay is difficult to cut once dry.
Next use wallpaper paste as meof pulp glue. You can also use wood glue mixed with a little water or just glue.
Again, I don't use flour or anything that has the potential to grow mold.
Cut and fold on the roof and glue on the windows. I used yellow clear paper for my windows. Check the transparency of the paper as you may need to stack several window cuts on top of each other.
Adhere the paper clay! I did not adhere the clay to the roof, but instead hollowed out the roof tiles.
Remember to make all the wiring before claying or leave a hole or an opening in the back to accommodate the light.
For sculpting tools, I used a fork to make the stairs and the brick lines on the house.
You don't need any other texture sculpting tools, just push and pinch the clay with your fingers.
I twisted wire around the tree to make branches and the end result looked great!
Its best to apply a coat of primer first and then spray the whole thing with a can of black spray paint.
Detailed tips:
- Glue the real rocks on.
- Glue a layer of small patches of artificial turf for a realistic look.
- The base is painted matte black first, spray painting is also possible.
- Dilute with wateryour paint to make it look dirty/weird.
- Paint the top section white.
This is the finished house.
You can use a hair dryer to speed up the paint drying time, but don’t be too hasty to finish it! Finally, I wish everyone a happy Halloween!