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Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither

Today I will teach you how to fold roses which are no worse than those bought outside. How much~

And it’s very thoughtful. After all, thoughtfulness is priceless! !

After it is finished, it looks very similar to the eternal flower~~It is also a rose that will never wither and is very meaningful to give to others

Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither

Preparation materials: crepe paper, paper box, scissors, foam, solid glue

Production steps: cut the crepe paper into small petals like this, cut 18 Film backup

Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither

Cut the slightly larger petals into 14 pieces

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Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither

Then 12 larger petals

Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither

First apply glue in the middle of the smallest petal

Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither

Then wrap the petals on the drop-shaped foam ball

Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither

In this way, the innermost petals are glued

< img src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/64334527072d5053eabc3cc588c0981f.jpg" style="" title="Rose Gift Box 07.JPG"/>

Slightly larger Apply this kind of corner glue to some petals

Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither

This is the second The petals are now glued

Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither

Next, apply glue to the largest petal

Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither

After gluing the petals, the paper rose made of crepe paper is completed

Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither

Roses full of love

Origami rose gift box handmade tutorial roses that never wither