Kawasaki Rose, a rose work in the art of origami, is named after its inventor, Toshikazu Kawasaki. Kawasaki roses are famous for their realistic shapes and are very similar to European and American roses. They can also be regarded as simplified versions of European and American roses. Share a super detailed Kawasaki rose origami illustrated tutorial, come and learn~
1. Fold the paper in half up and down.
2.After completion.
3. Fold the bottom edge upward 1 cm.
4.After completion.
5. Fold left and right in half.
6.After completion.
7. Fold the right bottom corner diagonally.
8.After completion.
9. Flip the paper model.
10. Fold the left side to the right side.
11.After completion.
12. Expand visible creases.
13. Fold diagonally according to the diagonal crease.
14. As shown in the picture after completion.
15. Rendering.
16. Counterclockwise rotation.
17. All corresponding positions are folded.
18. Fold the positions marked by the black dotted lines into peak marks.
19. As shown in the picture after completion.
20. Fold back horizontally.
21.As shown in the figure.
22. Square peak marks at the middle fold.
23. Press the middle square structure inwards.
24.As shown in the figure.
25. Squeeze the left and right sides inwards.
26. Open diagonally.
27. Press and flatten.
28. Fold the left structure downward.
29.As shown in the figure.
30. Flip the paper model.
31. Turn up the lower structure of the origami model.
32.As shown in the figure.
33. Letters are marked in the diagram to indicate the position of the rotation and creasing.
34. Rotate the crease as shown in the picture, that is, C presses D, D presses E, E presses B, and B presses C.
35. As shown in the picture after completion.
37. Release.
38. Press out the crease while rotating it.
39. Release it as shown in the picture.
40. Rotate into a cylindrical shape.
41. Fix the creases on the sides as shown in the picture.
42. Looking from the side, fold one of the bottom edges upward.
43. As shown in the picture after completion.
44. Fold upward as shown in the picture.
45. Rotate and fold in the same way.
46. The completed style.
47. Look at it from a different perspective.
48. View from the top.
49. Turn over the origami rose.
50. Look at the pattern of an origami rose from the side. Turn the dotted upper structure down.
51.As shown in the figure.
52. Follow the same method for the rest.
53. The top is as shown in the picture.
54. Curly petals.
55. The improved version of Kawasaki Rose origami is completed.