The origami method of the curled rose looks like it is in bud, which is unique. There is no need to emphasize the difficulty of making origami roses. If you like it, just work hard O(∩_∩)O ha!
Rose is usually called rose in the West, but when it was introduced to China, Western rose was translated as rose, while traditional rose varieties were translated as Chinese rose, and vines were translated as roses.
In China, the rose is considered a symbol of assassins and knights because of its thorny branches and stems.
In the West, roses are regarded as a symbol of strictly guarded secrets. When visiting the hosts house and seeing a rose painted on the table, they understood that nothing discussed on this table should be disclosed, so Sub Rosa was born.

This is an affair that originated from the Roman mythology when Horus met the beautiful woman Venus, the goddess of love. Her son Cupid gave him a gift in order to help his mother keep her reputation. A rose, asking him to keep his mouth shut. Horus accepted the rose and became silent, becoming the "god of silence". This is the reason why under the rose is tight-lipped.
The symbol of the rose:
Red roses represent passionate and true love
Yellow roses represent cherishing blessings and jealousy and broken love
Purple roses represent romantic true love and precious uniqueness
White roses represent purity and innocence
Black roses represent tenderness and sincerity
Orange rose friendship and youthful beauty
Blue roses represent honesty and kindness