Sharing this tutorial on making clay dolls reminds me of the time when I was little and playing with my brothers and sisters. Now that the conditions are better, the clay we play with is clean and even has some fragrance. What we used to play with at that time was Purely natural and pollution-free mud was more interesting back then. I don't like the smell of clay. I can smell it no matter how weak it is. I guess I'm too sensitive, so I don't make it often. I went to my second aunts house to make this little clay doll with my little sister. She asked her to I played with her, and there were many other masterpieces we created in the afternoon.
Main material: clay, Production steps:
Step 1: Use clay to make a preliminary outline
Step 2: Decorate with red clay dots
Step 3: Start making the tentacles on the head
Step 4: Make the tentacles and mouth
Step 5: Add eyes
Step 6: Widen the mouth
Step 7: Add teeth to the mouth
Step 8: Make the move
Step 9: Good results
Step 10:
Step 11: