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Easy and easy tutorial to make handmade clay dough donuts, suitable for parent-child interactive gam

Easy and easy tutorial to make handmade clay dough donuts, suitable for parent-child interactive games. Let’s make it together

Hello everyone, today I’m making donuts, children’s favorite. Let’s make them together.

Easy and easy tutorial to make handmade clay dough donuts, suitable for parent-child interactive games. Let’s make it together

1 First prepare white, blue, pink and yellow plasticine.

Easy and easy tutorial to make handmade clay dough donuts, suitable for parent-child interactive games. Let’s make it together

2. Roll pink and blue plasticine into balls and flatten them.

Easy and easy tutorial to make handmade clay dough donuts, suitable for parent-child interactive games. Let’s make it together

3 Put the blue and white donuts together and press down the middle with a tool.

Easy and easy tutorial to make handmade clay dough donuts, suitable for parent-child interactive games. Let’s make it together

4 Use white plasticine to roll into long strips to make cream.

Easy and easy tutorial to make handmade clay dough donuts, suitable for parent-child interactive games. Let’s make it together

5 Use yellow plasticine to make a long strip and cut some nuts.

Easy and easy tutorial to make handmade clay dough donuts, suitable for parent-child interactive games. Let’s make it together

Assemble in 6 steps, and the simple donuts are ready.

This article was originally created by Xin'er Lei Handicraft Workshop