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Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

What a majestic clay rainforest. As long as you have enough patience and concentration, you can complete such seemingly huge and impossible clay handicrafts. The clay tutorial I shared is relatively long, but I feel it is still not detailed enough, but I don’t want it to be too long, otherwise I won’t have the desire to read on, so I will show the main steps as clearly as possible. Rainforest tree trunks that are mixed with brown, black, green, brown, etc. are also made of clay. It is not a ready-made decorative product, and it is not difficult to make. You can roll different colors of clay into strips and twist them together to create something like this. Kind of effect.

Main material: Clay, toothbrush, toothpick, Tools required: Blades, brushes, pen sharpeners, Production steps:

Step 1: Roll various colors of clay into strips and combine them together

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Step 2: Tangle multiple colors together, twist, flatten, and compact

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Step 3: Use a brush to create texture

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Step 4: Start making mushrooms with other colors of clay

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Step 5: Make mushrooms like this

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Step 6:

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Step 7:

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Step 8: Make leaves

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Step 9: Make white mushrooms

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Step 10:

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Step 11:

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial

Step 12: That’s it in the end

Clay Rainforest Making Tutorial Clay Tutorial