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Ultra-light clay elephant tutorial: How to make a cute elephant

Ultra-light clay elephant tutorial: How to make a cute elephant

Isn’t the cute elephant very cute? Today I will teach you how to make a cute little elephant out of clay, as a gift for children who like cute animals.

Ultra-light clay elephant tutorial: How to make a cute elephant

1. Use blue mud to make an ellipsoid, with one end thick and one thin, as an elephant. Body.

Ultra-light clay elephant tutorial: How to make a cute elephant

2. Pinch out the blue ears and glue them to the head.

Ultra-light clay elephant tutorial: How to make a cute elephant

3. Roll four blue cylinders as elephant legs.

Ultra-light clay elephant tutorial: How to make a cute elephant

4. Roll out white ellipsoids as toes, stick them under the elephant legs, and insert toothpicks into the legs.

Ultra-light clay elephant tutorial: How to make a cute elephant

5. Roll two white cones as ivory and insert toothpicks.

Ultra-light clay elephant tutorial: How to make a cute elephant

6. Cut out the tail and eyes, and insert toothpicks into the tail.

Ultra-light clay elephant tutorial: How to make a cute elephant

7. Rub out a blue nose and insert a toothpick.

Ultra-light clay elephant tutorial: How to make a cute elephant

8. Fix the eyes, tusks, trunk, tail and legs to the elephant body.