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Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Take the yellow clay, pinch out a cylinder with a neck on one end, and pinch out a circle on the top of the head with your fingers. Thin edge comes

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial< /p>

Use scissors to cut one end of the head into the shape of Simpsons hair

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Spatula Cut open the mouth, then stretch the sides as far as possible, and pinch the upper lip outward to create a big Simpsons mouth

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Knead three small balls out of yellow clay, use one to make a nose, and use tools to point the two inward to make Senpusins ears

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Make two round balls of white clay and press them slightly to make eyes. The eyes should be bigger and they should be in line with the ears when viewed from the front.

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Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Finally use black clay , roll two very small balls and stick them between the eyes, Simpson is ready

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Adjust the mouth again

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

Use ultra-light clay to make the cartoon character Simpson DIY tutorial

< img src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/f876a0e241c63b85a5a1738a940adf97.jpg" style="" title="Clay Simpson 14.JPG"/>