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Ultra-light clay fruit tutorial - how to knead pears

Ultra-light clay fruit tutorial - how to knead pears

In addition to being eaten as a fruit, pears can also be used for ornamental purposes. Today I will teach you how to use clay to shape cute pears. It is easy to make. Come and make it with me.

Ultra-light clay fruit tutorial - how to knead pears

1. Make a yellow ellipsoid, with one end slightly thicker.

Ultra-light clay fruit tutorial - how to knead pears

2. Pinch out the purple root and multiple pink oblates, and insert them on the root toothpick.

Ultra-light clay fruit tutorial - how to knead pears

3. Insert the toothpick into the ellipsoid.

Ultra-light clay fruit tutorial - how to knead pears

4. Glue the pink oblate superior.

Ultra-light clay fruit tutorial - how to knead pears

5. Complete