Artist Tara Jane Crandon’s sketchbooks serve as gateways to dreamy natural settings. On every page, she draws a new pastoral style fit for a fairy tale. From overhanging trees and lush botanical gardens to rainy sidewalks to a castle nestled in the mountains, Crandons sketchbooks are a real joy to behold.
The artist found inspiration in the iconic settings of Studio Ghibli films as well as the natural environment of Brisbane, Australia. Like the famous Japanese animation studio, Crandon combines a love of the environment with romantic castles, beautiful flowers and winding paths.
To create such a rich artwork, Crandon layered a more translucent watercolor on an opaque gouache background. This way, she can convey a better sense of depth in her paintings. Additionally, Crandon shares time-lapse videos of her creative process on her YouTube channel so fans and aspiring artists can learn her techniques.
Artist Crandon shares her scenic sketches.
Each illustration is created using a combination of watercolor and gouache paints.
She is inspired by the films of Studio Ghibli and its natural setting in Brisbane, Australia.