Armenian architect and illustrator Davit Yukhanyan used a black pen to draw a series of illustrations with fine lines on paper with a width of 70 x 100 cm.
His paintings are composed of hundreds of small and closely connected illustrations, showing completely different scenery when viewed from a distance and up close. For example, in the No. 1 work in this series, "And when you lose control," the main body of the picture is a rams head, but when you look closer, you can see that the outline of the sheeps head is made up of countless animals. composed of objects.
These surreal black-and-white paintings depict the appearance of the world as perceived by Yukhanyan, implying that the material world in which human beings live is also composed of countless small and changeable things. Depending on the distance and interpretation of Yukhanyans paintings, the message received by the viewer will also change. And when we intend to carefully capture the painting within the painting and find out the image meaning contained in it, we unknowingly get lost in the delicate array of lines.