This is a simple craft tutorial to teach you how to make a boat that can float on the water. Most of the toy boats I've seen are expensive to make and take a lot of time to complete. The following tutorial requires only a few materials and can be completed in ten minutes at most!~
Materials and tools: clothespins, nails, scotch tape, paintbrushes, paint.
Half of each clothespin will serve as the hull, the peg as the mast, and the Scotch tape as the sail.
First, you need to separate the clothespin by removing the spring. Since you only use half, each clothespin allows you to make two boats!
Punch a hole in the clothespin with a nail in the groove on the flat side of the clothespin, as close to the center as possible so the boat is balanced and won't tip over in the water. Remove the nails when finished.
To make a sail, just take a pieceScotch tape, thread the nails through one side and then the other, making sure it doesn't stick together.
Now you just need to insert the nails into the holes on the clothespins to secure them.
You now have a clothespin boat that you can color to your liking. The boat should also be able to move through the water by blowing the sail!