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The Art of Steel Plate Stretching and Cutting

There has never been any connection between artists and steel plates, but there are exceptions to everything. With the combination of laser engraving technology and the rich creativity of artists, hard steel plates can also be transformed into soft bodies and The wings, under the light, vividly express the shapes of flies, birds, mantises and other animals, which is eye-opening! Design: Paperna-Yaniv

The Art of Steel Plate Stretching and Cutting

The Art of Steel Plate Stretching and Cutting

The Art of Steel Plate Stretching and Cutting

The Art of Steel Plate Stretching and Cutting

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The Art of Steel Plate Stretching and Cutting

The Art of Steel Plate Stretching and Cutting

The Art of Steel Plate Stretching and Cutting

The Art of Steel Plate Stretching and Cutting