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Real-life tutorial on hand-making star paper ball flowers

Real-life tutorial on hand-making star paper ball flowers Real-life tutorial on hand-making star paper ball flowers

This beautiful star paper ball flower is composed of 30 basic origami flower models. It inherits the characteristics of paper ball flowers that are exquisite but easy to make. If you don’t like complicated origami operations, but you love the beauty of paper flowers, this tutorial on the star paper ball flower will definitely satisfy you. Of course, beautiful paper is essential. If there are some tassels, this paper ball flower will be more beautiful. Author:gumeniuk_2105

Real-life tutorial on hand-making star paper ball flowers

1. Choose the paper you like, preferably Japanese paper, because the colors of Japanese paper are better. If you don’t have Japanese paper, you can also choose single-sided paper with other patterns, which will be more beautiful. Use aUtility knife to cut the paper into a rectangle as shown in the picture, that is, cut the square paper into half.

Real-life tutorial on hand-making star paper ball flowers

2. Fold the paper in half once, then turn it over, and fold the left and right sides toward the middle peak.

Real-life tutorial on hand-making star paper ball flowers

3. Turn over the paper, and then fold the lower right corner of the paper upward to form a structure as shown in the picture.

Real-life tutorial on hand-making star paper ball flowers

4. Fold the right part of the origami model to the left.

Real-life tutorial on hand-making star paper ball flowers

5. Restore the fold from the previous step.

Real-life tutorial on hand-making star paper ball flowers

6. Fold the top corner of the left part of the origami model downward.

Real-life tutorial on hand-making star paper ball flowers