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Shocking DIY portraits from old military maps and climate charts

Artist Ed Fairburn’s creative DIY takes old military maps and North American climate charts and uses cutting and layering mapping techniques to create incredible portraits.

Shocking DIY portraits from old military maps and climate charts

Old military maps and climate charts DIY stunning portraits

Shocking DIY portraits from old military maps and climate charts

Old military maps and climate charts DIY stunning portraits

Shocking DIY portraits from old military maps and climate charts

Old military maps and climate charts DIY stunning portraits

Shocking DIY portraits from old military maps and climate charts

Old military maps and climate charts DIYShocking portraits

Shocking DIY portraits from old military maps and climate charts

Old military maps and climate charts DIY stunning portraits

Shocking DIY portraits from old military maps and climate charts

Old military maps and climate charts DIY stunning portraits

Shocking DIY portraits from old military maps and climate charts

Old military maps and climate charts DIY stunning portraits