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Folding seats hanging on the wall

How can 60 seats be arranged so that they occupy the least space and are neat and beautiful? The space in the library is limited, and the placement of seats takes up a large part of the space. How can we better save space? Furniture designers may wish to learn from the design ideas of Portland designers. A library in Taiwan approached them Designed a set of seats that can be folded onto the wall. When the seats are lifted up, they will change from a quadrilateral shape to a straight line, thus saving vertical space. The wavy hooks also make the entire row of seats particularly distinctive, and the overall look is elegant and beautiful.

Folding seats hanging on the wall

Folding seats hanging on the wall

Folding seats hanging on the wall

Folding seats hanging on the wall

Folding seats hanging on the wall

Folding seats hanging on the wall

Folding seats hanging on the wall

Folding seats hanging on the wall

Folding seats hanging on the wall

Folding seats hanging on the wall

< img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-79242" title="20130117231" alt="" src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/8a9860c0c7900207677c34bc75354fe8.png" />

Video introduction: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTAzMTU0MzU2.html

creative home:Folding seats hanging on the wall