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Appreciation of Pajimens works

Appreciation of Pajimens works Appreciation of Pajimens works

Pajimen craftsmanship has always been one of the most gorgeous and noble types of paper art. The exquisite patterns and exquisite craftsmanship have fascinated countless people, and Pajimen itself is in the paper art market. The high price brings huge returns and benefits to Pajimen craftsmen. If you are also interested in Pajimen, start getting to know her from this moment...

Page Gate History

Historians generally agree that Pajimen craftsmanship as an art form originated in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. Pajimon craftsmanship was primarily found in the Catholic Church at that time, where craftsmen would make lace-like objects for use in religious paintings and cards, for example. With the development of Pajimen technology, more and more new technologies and improved processes have been added.

Although interest in handmade cards and objects waned with the advent of the printing press, interest in fine craftsmanship was revived in the 18th century. At the same time, the Pajimen cards became larger in size, and craftsmen began to add wavy edges and perforations to them.

In the 19th century, due to the influence of Romanticism, hand-makers of Pajimen began to add floral elements, cherubs and hand-made reliefs to their works.

In the 16th century, Pajimen craftsmanship was only a European craft form. However, when missionaries and other immigrants settled in North America, they brought the craft of Pajimon with them. Prior to this time, the craft of Pajimen belonged only to the Catholic Church. Often the first church gift a girl receives is a handmade pudge door card.

Today, pajmen craftsmanship has incorporated many craft techniques, including tracing with white or colored ink, embossing to create a three-dimensional effect, stippling, coloring and cutting. Pajimen craftsmanship is mainly used in the production of handmade cards, such as scrapbook decorations, bookmarks, lampshades, decoration of some small boxes and hanging objects, etc.

Appreciation of Pajimens works


Appreciation of Pajimens works

Appreciation of Pajimens works

Appreciation of Pajimens works

Appreciation of Pajimens works

Small craftsmanship:Appreciation of Pajimens works