Girls all like to make super-beautiful handbags. Different people will naturally like different styles of handbags. There are many materials for making handbags. It is easy to get all the materials you like. It costs a lot of money, so you might as well use your hands. Those who can DIY can do it by themselves, and what they make by themselves will also have unique effects. The effect of using rubber stamps to make seals is not inferior at all.
Main material: Rubber, sulfuric acid paper, Tools required: Pencil, carving knife, ink pad, Production steps:
Step 1: Prepare eraser and carving knife

Step 2: First draw the shape of the cherry cake with a pencil on the white paper

Step 3: Then spread the sulfuric acid paper and trace on it

Step 4: Press the pencil side onto the eraser and press it with your finger

Step 5: This way the pencil is printed on the eraser

Step 6: Draw thicker with watercolor pen

Step 7: Next, you can use a carving knife to carve out the outer outline

Step 8: Carve the outline in this way

Step 9: Then handle the details in the middle

Step 10: Make the eraser smaller and remove the excess eraser on the edge

Step 11: Then you can apply the ink pad

Step 12: Now the cute rubber stamp is ready to use