The origin of making this small handbag is that we have been making tote bags in these leather goods classes. After finishing the materials, there was still a little leather left, and my mother happened to give me a zipper, so I thought I could use the leftover materials to make one. Storage bag. (As shown below)But if I used the existing storage bag drawings, I didn’t have enough scraps, so I decided to make a pattern myself to make a bag that could just use the scraps of leather, and the storage space was no smaller than the original storage bag. In fact, the storage bag I originally made looked like a shrunken tote bag, so I remembered an article on "The relationship between pattern making and styling of tote bags" in Leather Craftsman. After carefully studying this article, I found that the first version of the bag body has the narrowest leather requirements, and my scraps were just enough. But the problem is that the side of this version is trapezoidal, and the angle is more or less appropriate. This is difficult for me as a novice to judge. So, I simply threw these three styles aside and made a version of the original storage bag according to the "what you see is what you get" method. So here is the version below. This version The surface of the bag is trapezoidal, with triangles on both sides. After finishing it, I realized that this pattern did not solve the problem of my leather being not wide enough at all. So, I threw it away and made the following version. This version reduces the width of the upper edge of the bag, and uses the simplest rectangle on the side. Comparing it with my leather material, it is just enough, and the size is accurate It’s almost impossible. So, I have my first version:I also