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[Basic Tutorial on Handmade Leather Goods] How to Cut Leather with Japanese Leather Knife and Utilit

This issue teaches you two tools to cut vegetable tanned leather. I don’t recommend you use scissors. It’s very difficult to cut straight with scissors, and sharpening scissors is more troublesome than sharpening a knife. I still recommend you to use a utility knife. As for Regarding the tool issue, I will release a video about the tool later, so stay tuned~

[Basic Tutorial on Handmade Leather Goods] How to Cut Leather with Japanese Leather Knife and Utility Knife

Video URL https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDE1MjAwOTY2MA==.html< /embed>Author: Founder of Kadanj Kunming Kadanj Handmade Leather Goods Studio Studio address: 14-220, Building B, Aocheng Building, Renming Middle Road, Kunming

Leather Knife