In the comedy "The Grinch," a green-haired monster named the Grinch plots to steal Christmas. Hes all green, has a bad temper, and has a cute puppy. He dressed himself up like Santa Claus and somehow managed to trick everyone. However, in the end, this is a truly emotional story, and he did not succeed!~
Supplies required:
Lunch paper bag
White cotton balls
Acrylic paint – red and green
Red cardboard
Move your eyes
Black marker
1. First draw the paper bag. The section below the flap is painted red.
2. The flap part will be painted green. Let the paint dry completely.
3. Cut a triangle shape from red cardboard to fit the width of the paper bag.
4. Fold the tip of the hat down and secure it in place. Glue a cotton ball to the tip. Also glue the cotton balls to the brim of the hat.
5. Then stick the cotton ball on the collar.
6. Then stick 2 cotton balls on the front as buttons.
7. Glue the eyes.
8. Finally, draw a mouth and eyebrows.
9. The cartoon-style Grinch is ready~