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Handmade Thanksgiving Turkey Illustration on Paper Plate

Handmade Thanksgiving Turkey Illustration on Paper Plate

Thanksgiving is coming next week. Do you want some craft tutorials about the holiday? Share a tutorial on how to make a turkey using paper plates and ribbons. Such a cute little guy can make it in just a few seconds. Come out, come and take it away (^o^)/~

Handmade Thanksgiving Turkey Illustration on Paper Plate

Materials and tools: paper plate, ribbon, cardboard, white latex, markers, stapler, paint and brushes.

First take out the cardboard and cut out the head, eyes, mouth, sarcoma and legs of the turkey. Use a black marker to draw the eyes.

Handmade Thanksgiving Turkey Illustration on Paper Plate

Then paint the inside of the paper plate with brown paint.

Handmade Thanksgiving Turkey Illustration on Paper Plate

Cut the ribbons of different colors to similar lengths, fold them in half and staple them to the back edge of the paper plate with a stapler. These are of course the turkey feathers~

Handmade Thanksgiving Turkey Illustration on Paper Plate

Finally, paste the cardboard cut out as shown in the picture, and the Thanksgiving turkey is finished~