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Illustration of button braiding method for making Chinese knot tassels

There are many Chinese methods for making Chinese knot tassels. Today I will teach you how to weave button tassels. How to weave Chinese knot tassels? Come and learn together. This Chinese knot button fringe tutorial is compiled with reference to "Dancing Tassel".

Illustration of button braiding method for making Chinese knot tassels
Picture: Chinese knotted buttons

Button fringe, adding tassel thread or other thread to the Chinese knot of button braiding. If the tassel uses the same braiding thread as the button knot, skip burning the ends of the button knot thread in steps 5 and 6.

Illustration of how to braid buttons:

Illustration of button braiding method for making Chinese knot tassels
Chinese knot button braiding method no. 1 step; www.diyju.com

Illustration of button braiding method for making Chinese knot tassels
Chinese knot button fringe braiding method no. 2 steps;

Illustration of button braiding method for making Chinese knot tassels
Chinese knotted button fringe braiding method no. 3 steps;

Illustration of button braiding method for making Chinese knot tassels
Chinese knot button braiding method No. 4 steps;

Illustration of button braiding method for making Chinese knot tassels
Chinese Knot Button Tassel Completed Picture

Chinese Knot Tassel Button Tassel

Illustration of the braiding method of Chinese knotted bead-shaped tassels, refer to the dancing flowSus approach

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