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Same painting, different story

The words "same painting, different stories" are often daunting to people, but these paintings can't help but make people think about them for a long time. In addition to the meticulous and elegant painting style, these paintings contain two different scenes.

These paintings are from the works of Canadian painter Robert Gonsalves, using blurred boundaries to bring you visual illusions.

Robert Gonsalves developed a strong interest in painting after coming into contact with Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte at the age of twelve, and his works also inherited part of the painting style .

Same painting, different story

Same painting, different story

Same painting, different story< /p>

Same painting, different story

Same painting, different story

Same painting, different story

Same painting, different story

Same painting, different story

Same painting, different story

drawing graffiti:Same painting, different story