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Appreciate the beautiful and fresh illustrations with a unique style of painting

Beautiful and fresh illustrations with a unique style. Enjoy a set of beautiful and fresh illustrations with a unique style. These are the works of illustrator @Mayalen Goust. I am used to seeing Japanese illustrations, so let’s create a different style.

Appreciate the beautiful and fresh illustrations with a unique style of painting

Appreciate the beautiful and fresh illustrations with a unique style of painting

< p align="center">Appreciate the beautiful and fresh illustrations with a unique style of painting

Appreciate the beautiful and fresh illustrations with a unique style of painting

Appreciate the beautiful and fresh illustrations with a unique style of painting

Appreciate the beautiful and fresh illustrations with a unique style of painting

< img data-action="zoom" alt="Appreciation of beautiful and fresh illustrations with unique style" src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/50b9b5d963bafd499b908a19272e89d5.jpg">

Appreciate the beautiful and fresh illustrations with a unique style of painting

Appreciate the beautiful and fresh illustrations with a unique style of painting