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This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

Edgar Artis, a fashion illustrator from the United States
combines illustrations with various real objects
draws a variety of Fashion illustration

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

< img data-action="zoom" alt=" This handsome guy made a skirt out of food, women are drooling after seeing it" src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/83bf377dbdc2dce698e664776ba20b94.jpg" >

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

He willPaper-cut is combined with common
scenery and objects in daily life
to design extraordinary dresses
Use His mind refreshed his outlook

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

< /p>

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

And such a delicate designer
is still a big one Handsome guy

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

In his writing
Fruit, Vegetables, biscuits and even pasta
are excellent materials for making skirts
Fruit series

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

< /p>

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

< img data-action="zoom" alt=" This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it" src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/f3ef7cb3beb5404350e0a9cd4e7c7963.jpg">

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it< /p>

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

Vegetable Series

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

< /p>

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

< img data-action="zoom" alt=" This handsome guy made a skirt out of food, women are drooling after seeing it" src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/5496fe9e50709a5d4472bd251e96d739.jpg" >

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

Snack series

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

< /p>

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

< img data-action="zoom" alt="This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it" src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/ce8c6a1040e89ec0e7b41aea5e012d7b.jpg">

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

< p align="center">This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

I only accept him if he is not acclimatized
Although he has a big idea, his works are so beautiful
Condiments and rice for cooking

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

Coins and screw caps

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

< p>Pencil shavings and balloons

< p>

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it

This handsome guy made a dress out of food, and women are drooling after seeing it