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Giant high heels made of pots and pans

“Be able to get into the kitchen and get out of the living room” is the basic requirement that most men have for their wives. A housewife artist also felt the same way. She and her team created this giant silver shiny high-heeled shoe model, which is composed of many stainless steel pots and pans lids. It is intended to express that contemporary women must have a charming appearance. , and can take care of housework and play an important role as a daily housewife. Designer: Joanna Vasconcelos

Giant high heels made of pots and pans

Giant high heels made of pots and pans

Giant high heels made of pots and pans

Giant high heels made of pots and pans

< img src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/2ad839bf509f5a7876e06db5e1db6236.jpg" alt="" title="20121114223" />

Creative Products:Giant high heels made of pots and pans