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A bicycle whose body can be used as a lock

In China, bicycle theft is a common occurrence. I have asked my friends around me and they have basically had the experience of having their bicycles stolen. Even if your bicycle lock is too bad to be opened, Or cut it off, and the thief can also lift the entire car away. Three foreign engineering students have designed a very effective anti-theft technology "Yerka", which turns the seat cushion and the lifting rod below into a car lock, which can firmly lock the entire car to a telephone pole or pole in 20 seconds. It is on the tree trunk, which is designed as an opening and closing lock system by taking advantage of the characteristics of the bicycles triangular frame.

A bicycle whose body can be used as a lock

A bicycle whose body can be used as a lock

A bicycle whose body can be used as a lock

Creative Products:A bicycle whose body can be used as a lock