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Spiral silent small wind turbine

Today, with increasingly scarce resources, wind power generation is receiving more and more attention. However, the efficiency of traditional fan blade wind power generation is only about 25% to 50%, which is not only low efficiency but also very noisy. Liam F1 is a small spiral wind power discovery machine. Its special internal structural design allows it to minimize the resistance between components when rotating. The lightweight body has a wind power conversion rate of up to 80% and extremely low noise. In an environment with insufficient wind power, its power generation efficiency will not decrease much. Liam F1 is expected to be released in July, priced at about 4,000 euros. Official website: http://dearchimedes.com/

Spiral silent small wind turbine

Spiral silent small wind turbine

Spiral silent small wind turbine

Creative Products:Spiral silent small wind turbine