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Polaroid phone case

Polaris can instantly print out physical photos. Even the best mobile phone camera effects are not as interesting as the instant physical experience. However, today’s mobile phone cameras have good camera effects. There seems to be no need to buy another Polaroid. The function of putting a case on a mobile phone and turning it into a Polaroid camera will definitely be very popular.

Polaroid phone case

Recently, Prynt, a French startup company, has developed a Polaroid mobile phone case. This case has a built-in micro printer. It is connected to the mobile phone through an excuse and can The pictures stored on it are sent to the shell, and the physical photos are instantly printed out using thermal printing paper. The current prototype can only print one photo at a time and takes 50 seconds, but the version that will be launched later can print 10-30 photos at a time, and the printing time of each photo is also shortened to 30 seconds. This instant phone case also has a very special function. When you use the companion app to take pictures, it will also record the video for a short period of time before and after pressing the shutter, and upload it to the cloud. Just print out the photo and put it in front of the lens, then open the companion app to scan, and you can play back the good old days again.

Polaroid phone case

Polaroid phone case

Creative Products:Polaroid phone case