In daily life, many people pay great attention to personal hygiene, and their shoes, socks, and quilts are cleaned frequently. There is one thing we use every day, but most people don't pay attention to its hygiene, and that is a toothbrush. Every time you brush your teeth, the bacteria and dirt in your teeth, gums, and tongue will remain on the toothbrush. After brushing, you will casually place it in an unhygienic toilet, allowing the bacteria on it to continue to multiply.
zapi toothbrush sterilizer is small and cute in appearance. You only need to insert the toothbrush head inside and press the button to start sterilizing your toothbrush. It has a built-in electric ultraviolet sterilization device that can kill bacteria on the toothbrush. Viruses and bacteria. It is suitable for almost all ordinary toothbrushes and electric toothbrushes, and is easy to carry, especially for people with mysophobia. Its a bit pricey though, priced at ?25.