Sometimes we buy food with disposable spoons such as ice cream at home, but usually we use the spoons at home, so these spoons are useless. In fact, these disposable spoons can also be used as good childrens spoons. Handmade materials are used to make small toys such as little ladybugs or rabbits. After the children make them, they can be inserted into flower pots as decorations.
Main material: Disposable spoons, colored paper, non-woven fabrics, colored pens, Tools required: scissors, glue, Production steps:
Step 1: Use a disposable spoon to make a beautiful bunny. You can use cotton swabs as the arms of the bunny to hold up the clothes made of colored paper

Step 2: Use a disposable spoon and non-woven fabric to make a little rooster

Step 3: You can first use yellow paper to stick to the spoon, and then make it into a little rooster

Step 4: Remove the handle of the spoon and wrap the upper part with red paper

Step 5: Then you can make it into a ladybug or a beautiful easter egg