The mats at home will have burrs or broken parts after being used for a long time. This type of bamboo mat is not used much now. If you want to replace the mat, you might as well recycle the waste of the old mat to make it. It can be made into a small mat cushion or a small business card box here. The business card box is still very necessary for people who often need to socialize. Don't find out that the business cards have been sent out at a critical moment.
Main material: Old mats, cloth, lace, rubber bands, buttons, foam boards, Tools required: Scissors, ruler, awl, craft glue, Production steps:
Step 1: Prepare all the materials

Step 2: Determine the location of the foam board according to the size of the business card

Step 3: Place it like this, then cut the cloth, making sure to leave an extra section

Step 4: Fold a small portion of both sides of the cloth and glue it with hand glue

Step 5: Put the foam board on top

Step 6: Wrap it like this

Step 7: Glue with hand glue

Step 8: Now the position of the foam board is ready, and the business card can just fit in

Step 9: Next determine the size of the mat

Step 10: Align the edges

Step 11: Then cut it out with scissors

Step 12: Glue the edges with lace

Step 13: Wrap the edges like this

Step 14: Isn’t it beautiful?

Step 15: Then you can glue it