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Simple origami water bird making method

Simple origami water bird making method

Waterbirds are birds that live in wetlands, and there are many types. They like to swim and dive in the water, walk on the beach, and fly in the air. Now, let’s fold a water bird together.

Preparation materials: a square piece of colored paper, colored pens

Simple origami water bird making method

1. Fold the two corners of the square in half toward the center.

Simple origami water bird making method

2 .Fold the left corner back to create the effect in the picture.

Simple origami water bird making method

3 .Fold the lower half back in half and the right corner inwards.

Simple origami water bird making method

4. Fold the upper right corner downward and fold out the head. Fold the lower right corner inward. Draw the eyes and you're done.

Simple origami water bird making method

origami animals:Simple origami water bird making method