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Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

A piece of stationery carries one persons endless longing for another person. Let us fold our thoughts into flowers and give them the most beautiful confession to the one we love
Six-petal flower envelopeOrigami Tools and materials needed: a piece of colored paper, hand a pair

Illustration of the six-petal flower envelope origami steps:

Six-petal flower envelope origami step 1:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

For square paper, it is recommended that you use large paper

Six-petal flower envelope origami step 2:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial


Six-petal flower envelope origami step 3:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

Six-petal flower envelope origami step 4:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

Fold the bottom edge in half to the center line of the square

Six-petal flower envelope origami step 5:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

Fold the vertices to the midpoint

Six-petal flower envelope origami step 6:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

Six-petal flower envelope origami step 7:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

Turn over

Six-petal flower envelope origami step 8:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

Fold in half to the center line. I drew the center line

Six-petal flower envelope origami step 9:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial


Six-petal flower envelope origami step 10:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

Do not fold it in half

Six-petal flower envelope origami step 11:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

Six-petal flower envelope origami step 12:

Envelope origami six-petal flower envelope manual origami tutorial

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