Many friends have seen many exquisite New Year greeting cards online, and you can also see many personalized greeting cards in real stores.
You can use quilling paper to make very good New Year greeting cards. Here we show you a very simple tutorial on how to make paper quilling bells by hand.
It is also very useful to regard it as a decoration on a New Years greeting card Good, you can see the final work in the picture above.
The bells, green leaves and snowflakes on the greeting card are perfectly blended together, and a strong New Year flavor hits your face.
Take out the prepared yellow paper and roll out a smaller three-dimensional bell.
Use green paper to fold out vibrant green leaves.
Finally use red Roll out rich fruits from colored paper, and paste all the bells, fruits and green leaves on the greeting card to complete the production.
You can start making as long as you prepare the materials in advance, as long as you work hard Just a little bit and follow the corresponding methods to make beautiful greeting cards.