When people taste red wine, they will prepare some beautiful wine glasses in advance. They complement each other well with the wine. The appearance is particularly high. If you want it, you must take care of it. In order to protect the delicate body of a good wine glass from harm, it is recommended to use hand-kneaded paper and other flexible paper materials to fold it, otherwise it will easily break during use.

First prepare a square piece of paper. When folding the rose calyx of the wine glass, you can use a smaller pentagonal paper. This is a beautiful-looking piece. The complicated steps of wine glass and rose origami may take a long time for those who have just learned it, and the whole process is quite laborious.
When you fold the wine glass rose, you must fully display the delicate and charming appearance of the rose. At the same time, it needs to match well with the paper cup. This is not only a perfect handicraft, but also a very good one. Beautiful decoration, so you can try and learn it and you will be able to complete this piece in no time.