What I am making is the calla lily that goes with the flower arrangement bouquet. I have rarely shared any tutorials on how to make paper calla lilies before. Perhaps it is because such flowers are too simple to make and there is no challenge. Perhaps it is because of the nature of the flower. If it is too high, random paper or fabric cannot express its inner charm. No matter what, it appears in this paper art tutorial as a matching flower. The method is indeed very simple. Just cut out a petal and slightly roll the edge of the petal to make it more like a calla lily. Place it together with the overall flower arrangement. Candies with beautiful packaging are considered fancy and chic.
Main material: Crepe paper, long pointed wooden skewer, glue, Tools required: Scissors, Production steps:
Step 1: Cut out the petal shape
Step 2: Roll out the arc
Step 3: Glue to create a calla lily shape
Step 4: Make a few more
Step 5: Fix the candy on the wooden skewer
Step 6: Pin the candy and flowers together
Step 7: Done