Greeting cards are very good gifts to express blessings to each other, so usually after we prepare a gift, we will also add a greeting card to express blessings, such as the preparation of Fathers Day gifts. , make such a unique Father’s Day greeting card and put it inside the gift. Isn’t it very creative and can bring big surprises?
Main material: cardboard, ribbons, buttons, Tools required: Scissors, ruler, glue, colored pens, Production steps:
Step 1: Prepare materials and tools
Step 2: First fold the white paper and the blue paper used as the outer suit
Step 3: Put it in like this
Step 4: Then use glue to stick the ribbon to one side of the cardboard strip
Step 5: This will serve as a pocket for the handkerchief
Step 6: Use a wide ribbon as a tie in the middle of the white inner paper and glue it on
Step 7: Then tie a knot on top like this
Step 8: Isn’t it beautiful and upright?
Step 9: Then you can write blessings on the inner paper, and decorate the outer suit to create a beautiful Fathers Day card!