Whenever it rains, I feel deeply that the invention of umbrellas has indeed benefited mankind. Umbrellas that can be opened and closed are so convenient. Small umbrellas are also included in the handmade products we usually make, but most of them They are all umbrellas that cannot be opened and closed. The paper art umbrella here is made into a small umbrella that can be opened and closed. Doesn’t it feel more refined?
Main material: Colored paper, bamboo sticks, tape, Tools required: Scissors, Production steps:
Step 1: Prepare beautiful paper and colored tape

Step 2: Fold the square paper in half on opposite sides

Step 3: Then fold the corners in half

Step 4: This is what happens after that

Step 5: Fold the adjacent sides in half

Step 6: Make the crease like this

Step 7: Like this

Step 8: After the production is completed, it will feel more like an umbrella, and then use scissors to trim the edges

Step 9: Poke a hole in the middle with a bamboo skewer

Step 10: Then use a piece of tape to secure the bamboo stick and umbrella surface

Step 11: Tape up part of the tape first like this

Step 12: Then start rolling it on the bamboo skewer

Step 13: Just like this, and then use it to stick it to the umbrella surface

Step 14: Cut the colored paper into narrow strips

Step 15: Then glue it to the corners of the umbrella