Ordinary greeting cards can no longer meet peoples needs. The following is a simple and creative embroidered greeting card.
The main thing is to embroider simple patterns and text on cardboard, which is completely handmade.
You can first make the envelope matching the greeting card, and draw the shape of the above illustration on the waste paper.
Cut it out and make it into a template to cut beautiful paper.
Here I show you what it will look like after cutting. You can draw a square on it according to the size of the greeting card you want to make.
Fold the four corners of the square. After putting the greeting card in, seal the mouth with the sealing sticker after use.
Now let’s start making greeting cards, cut out square cardboard material of appropriate size, and then use a needle to poke out what you like on it Pattern.
Use needle and thread to connect the poked holes together, and in the blank space Write some blessing words.
If you have a seal, you can also print some cute patterns on the greeting card.
This is a very simple, cute and personalized embroidery style greeting card. It looks very unique and creative.