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How to fold out the five-pointed star candy dish

How to fold out the five-pointed star candy dish How to fold out the five-pointed star candy dish

How to fold out the five-pointed star candy dish

Everyone likes sparkling five-pointed stars. You can use origami to fold out five-pointed stars and fold out a five-pointed star candy dish. This candy dish looks good. , and it is very practical. The origami tutorial shared with you is very easy. Interested children can prepare some beautiful wrapping paper to learn.

How to fold out the five-pointed star candy dish

How to fold out the five-pointed star candy dish

How to fold out the five-pointed star candy dish

How to fold out the five-pointed star candy dish

How to fold out the five-pointed star candy dish

How to fold out the five-pointed star candy dish

You need to prepare a beautiful piece of colored paper first. First make a regular pentagon. After folding it in half, make an X-shaped crease on the left half. The following origami steps You can refer to the illustration. People need to cut out the tail along the crease, and after unfolding it, a pentagon will be obtained.

Fold its five corners inward, and after folding, put the new Fold the five corners inwards, and finally turn the origami paper over, then fold each corner out to one side, and finally arrange it to complete the paper five-pointed star candy dish. Just follow the diagram and fold it, and you can quickly complete the candy dish. , you can try putting some candies in it to see if it fits well.