Children make a very beautiful greeting card by themselves. On Mothers Day, they can just use it as a gift to their mother. This is a Very good idea.
First cut it, and then draw it by hand. The beautiful flower pattern greeting card produced in this way is very simple. You can try making it.
The flowers made using colorful cardboard give people the feeling of being in the world of oil painting, which is particularly beautiful.
The hand-painted part is also relatively simple and does not require any painting foundation at all.
If you choose to use different colors of cardboard, you will directly cut out circular pieces of different sizes, combine the circular pieces of paper, and paste them directly onto the blank cardboard.
Take a black pen and draw some petals around the circular piece of paper. Just draw one or two layers. There is no need to draw too many.
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Use a black pen to draw some petals around the circular piece of paper. Pay attention to just draw one or two layers. There is no need to draw too many. p>
Then draw the receptacle and stem of the small flower on it, and draw some lines on the drawing board to fill it in.
Then draw the stamen part, paying attention to some small details.
A simple and beautiful Mother’s Day greeting card is finished, write something on it.