Kusudama in paper art translates to "paper ball flower". This word is written as "薬玉" in Japanese. It is usually made with a mixture of spices, somewhat like a Chinese sachet. Nowadays they are often used as decorative objects. Kusudama is usually used to assemble into a large complex shape. In todays lesson we are just learning to make a simple little flower. If you can insist on making 11 more, you can assemble a traditional paper ball flower yourself.
First you need to prepare 5 small square pieces of paper, glue and double-sided tape. The whole process will take about 30 minutes of your time.
1. Fold the lower corner toward the upper corner, as shown in the picture
2. Fold the two bottom legs toward the center line. It can be folded as shown in the picture.
3. Continue to open it along the drawn line as shown by the arrow
4. As shown in Figure 4, what you get on both sides is a small pocket with the opening facing upwards, which can be opened with your fingers.
5. At this time, two protruding corners will be formed on both sides. Fold it into the small pocket, that is, fold it inwards. This step is mainly to make their sides level with the sides of the triangle behind them.
6. Fold the small triangle upside down on both sides in half as shown by the arrow.
7. Apply some glue on the outermost edge, and then fold the two outermost edges together.
8. In this way, you can easily make a petal.
9. Follow the previous steps to make another petal.
10. Haha, when all 5 are done, just stick them together with glue.
Isn’t it very simple~
Compiled by Paper Art Network