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banknote art

The use value of banknotes It is used as currency for equivalent exchange activities in our daily lives. Can you think of any other uses for it? Thats right~, just use banknotes to origami. Most people can fold a star. The heart shape is already very good. Now I would like to share the origami currency works of the talented artist Won Park. Spiders, butterflies, pigs, and cows are all vivid. Do you have the urge to try it?

banknote art< /p>

The Art of Origami Money

banknote art

The Art of Origami Money (2)

banknote art

The Art of Origami Money (3)

< img alt="The Art of Origami Money (4)" data-pinit="registered" src="https://img.111diy.com/timthumb.php?src=/d/file/fujian/f04c95e86c6fba0e81b79b3c00e353f8.jpg" />

The Art of Origami Money (4)

banknote art

The Art of Origami Money (5)

banknote art

The Art of Origami Money (6)

< p>banknote art

The Art of Origami Money (7)

banknote art

The Art of Origami Money (8)

Origami basics:banknote art